Saturday, 5 January 2013

Owlbear back

Here is my take on the classic DnD critter. I was really happy with it till my son said Awww - he's so cuddly! so maybe I'll take another stab at this some time. Ho hum.

Ork Magic II The Sequel

...and I painted another Orc because the last one really bothered me. The pose was static, he had very little expression...If I was my art director I'd have sent me back to the drawing board, which I did, and painted this instead.

Dungeons and Drawings

...OK more like digital paintings. So I haven't blogged for ages (man the time's I've read that in a post) I've been very busy and kinda down so to cheer myself up I have been painting some DnD subjects in the sort-of-not-quite style of Wayne Reynolds whom I think is brilliant. I used to consider the 'rim-light-on-everything' look a kind of cheat lighting to make the silhouettes pop but Reynolds makes it look beautiful and if its good enough for him, its good enough for me. Also, I went overboard with detail which I don't do much any more so that made a change too. Anyway, Happy New Year!